adam clatworthy
I'm Adam, proud father of Daisy (9), Alfie (3), and Lola, who we tragically lost just before her third birthday. Both Alfie and Lola were diagnosed with an extremely rare genetic condition called CRELD1.
This diagnosis completely changed our lives. My wife Jess and I have dedicated ourselves to learning everything we can about CRELD1 and connecting with others who understand this journey.
Professionally, I'm the Executive Audience Engagement Lead for Google Cloud, where I manage strategic priorities and communications for the Office of the Global COO.
I also serve as Vice-Chair for Rare Conditions on the Participant Panel for Genomics England. In this role, I represent the interests of research participants, ensuring that genomics research is accessible and directly benefits patients and the wider community.
With over 20 years of experience in PR and communications, I bring a unique perspective. I combine my lived experience as a parent caring for children with a rare form of epilepsy with the ability to communicate complex topics effectively.